We just discovered a great resource to share with students (or your colleagues!) looking for off-campus things to do … Compiled by Discover Central Massachusetts, these are 91 things students just have to do before they graduate. From iconic Worcester to trendy places to check out; this list will get anyone motivated to explore and […]
student life
Alumni, Families Offer New Students Move-in Day Advice

BY LORRAINE U. MARTINELLE Keep your door open. Let your mom make your bed. Don’t lose your keys. Get involved. Bring laundry detergent. Smile! Think back to your first day of college, and the days leading up to it. Many of you must have felt some anxiety mixed with excitement about the unknown. To help […]
Nichols Campus Rec Event Keeps Students on Their Toes

BY ASHLEY DALLAIRE ‘18 Nichols College Campus Recreation hosted its first ever pub night on Oct. 13 in the Fels Student Center lounge. Everyone tends to think that pub nights are strictly for students and faculty over 21 years of age, but this is not true. Over 100 people attended this new kind of pub […]
Nichols Observes National Coming Out Day

Today, Oct. 11, is #NationalComingOutDay, which is dedicated to raising awareness of civil rights for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender community. At Nichols College, there are two organizations dedicated to raising awareness and support of the LGBTQ community: NC PRIDE and SAFE ZONE. NC PRIDE NC PRIDE is a student-run organization that works to […]
Nichols to 'Pink Out' Oct. 14 Football Game for Breast Cancer Awareness
The Nichols College Student Government Association will hold its 2nd annual Pink Out for Breast Cancer football game Saturday, Oct. 14, at noon on Vendetti Field.
It’s On Us: Nichols Joins Campaign Against Campus Sexual Violence/Assault

October is National Domestic Assault Awareness Month. As such, it seems like the appropriate time to kick off a year-long effort to continue to raise issues related to domestic assault and sexual misconduct on college campuses and beyond.