Nichols College Environmental Science Professor Prajwal Panday‘s students used an app called Epicollect5 to collect data on Nichols land use and land cover. For this exercise, they focused on mapping the locations of all blue emergency telephones around campus. “A map of this sort would be helpful for the Nichols College Public Safety Office as […]
Nichols Observes National Coming Out Day

Today, Oct. 11, is #NationalComingOutDay, which is dedicated to raising awareness of civil rights for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender community. At Nichols College, there are two organizations dedicated to raising awareness and support of the LGBTQ community: NC PRIDE and SAFE ZONE. NC PRIDE NC PRIDE is a student-run organization that works to […]
Chief Wojnar Hosts ‘Coffee with a Cop’

Nichols College Professor and Dudley Police Chief Steven Wojnar hosted a #CoffeeWithACop meet-and-greet from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Oct. 4 with students, faculty, and staff — and free Dunkin’ Donuts coffee. Lorraine U. Martinelle photo
It’s On Us: Nichols Joins Campaign Against Campus Sexual Violence/Assault

October is National Domestic Assault Awareness Month. As such, it seems like the appropriate time to kick off a year-long effort to continue to raise issues related to domestic assault and sexual misconduct on college campuses and beyond.