Get your free flu shot Thursday, Oct. 11, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Nichols College Health Office, in South Hall. The flu shots are free for Nichols faculty, staff, and students. Sponsored but the Nichols College Health Office.
Get your free flu shot Thursday, Oct. 11, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Nichols College Health Office, in South Hall. The flu shots are free for Nichols faculty, staff, and students. Sponsored but the Nichols College Health Office.
BY ASHLEY DALLAIRE ‘18 Nichols College Campus Recreation hosted its first ever pub night on Oct. 13 in the Fels Student Center lounge. Everyone tends to think that pub nights are strictly for students and faculty over 21 years of age, but this is not true. Over 100 people attended this new kind of pub […]