The 2018 Empowering Women in Business Conference will be held March 22 at Nichols College. Registration will open soon. For more information about the conference, please visit the conference website, here.
Candlelight Vigil Held for Las Vegas Shooting Victims
From first-year students to seniors, there were about 100 people on hand to pay their respects to the victims of the Las Vegas shooting. The air was filled with hope as more and more people were getting their candles prepared for the vigil.
Chief Wojnar Hosts ‘Coffee with a Cop’
Nichols College Professor and Dudley Police Chief Steven Wojnar hosted a #CoffeeWithACop meet-and-greet from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Oct. 4 with students, faculty, and staff — and free Dunkin’ Donuts coffee. Lorraine U. Martinelle photo
HR Digest: 10/03/2017
Tuition Exchange applications are being accepted now for the 2018-2019 academic year for dependents of eligible employees. Annual Creditable Coverage Disclosure Notice has been administered for employee’s information and records. Creditable Coverage Notice is required by Employers whose health care plans include prescription drug benefits for active employees or retirees who are Medicare-eligible. This […]
It’s On Us: Nichols Joins Campaign Against Campus Sexual Violence/Assault
October is National Domestic Assault Awareness Month. As such, it seems like the appropriate time to kick off a year-long effort to continue to raise issues related to domestic assault and sexual misconduct on college campuses and beyond.
Have You Heard?
Here in the Nichols College Office of Marketing and Communications, we strive to … well … communicate. A constant goal is to promote to and share with a variety of audiences the wonderful news and events of this beautiful college. An important audience is you: the faculty and staff. Over the years, we’ve used a […]
Fall on The Hill
Integrating Research Project Into Teaching
Financial Literacy Workshops Help Nichols Seniors
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