Report Assesses, Monitors Representation of Women in Leadership Roles in Mass.; State Still Stands at a Failing Score By LORRAINE U. MARTINELLE DUDLEY, Mass.—The Institute for Women’s Leadership (IWL) at Nichols College has released the third edition of its Massachusetts Women’s Leadership Index (MWLI), a biennial report that assesses and monitors the representation of […]
Nichols Sophomore Nick Anderson Leads the Way in Raising Awareness for Cancer Research

The 2nd annual Nichols College Relay For Life will be held Saturday, April 6, 2019, starting at 6 p.m. in the main gym of the Athletic Center on Center Road, Dudley, Mass. The registration fee is $15 prior to the event, or $20 “at the door.” Food and beverages will be provided. The event is open […]
‘Heard on The Hill’ Seeks Faculty Contributions
The Nichols College Newsroom wants to help our faculty communicate with the public the value and impact of their important research, and we strive to tell our stories via a variety of communications tools and channels. As such, Nichols Newsroom seeks the faculty’s help in publicizing and communicating about their research, scholarship, and creative activity […]
Telegram & Gazette ‘Faculty Forum’ Features Nichols Professor Prajjwal Panday
Editor’s Note: In the Feb. 17, 2019, edition of the (Worcester) Telegram & Gazette‘s “Faculty Forum,” Nichols College Professor of Environmental Science Prajjwal K. Panday, Ph.D., addresses the topic of climate change. He answered the newspaper’s question: “What can be done by the average person to reduce our negative impact on the environment, and decrease […]
Professor Erika C. Smith Interviewed about President Trump’s National Emergency Declaration
Nichols College Political Science Professor Erika Cornelius Smith, Ph.D., was interviewed Feb. 16, 2019, by Worcester News Tonight for her perspective on President Trump’s declaring a national emergency. Watch the news clip, below: In January she was interviewed for a TV news story about the federal government shutdown. Here’s the news […]
At Conference, Nichols Student Historians Share Research on Media and Politics

By LORRAINE U. MARTINELLE The Nichols College History Department and Fischer Institute are sponsoring the first Media and Politics in America Conference Tuesday, Dec. 4, and Thursday, Dec. 5, featuring presentations in Fels Student Center, Room 210, by Nichols students in History Program Chair and Professor Michael Neagle‘s History 480W seminar. Three students each day […]
Nichols Students Attend Psychology Conference

Six Nichols College students and their professors attended the Nov. 10 New England Psychological Association annual meeting at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. The meeting included educational sessions on a range of psychology-related topics as well as several poster sessions. Pictured, from left to right: Christina Demalia, ’20; Professor Brian McCoy; Jessica Warner, ’21; Nicole Murray, ‘21 (in […]
Nichols Students Map College’s Emergency Telephone Locations
Nichols College Environmental Science Professor Prajwal Panday‘s students used an app called Epicollect5 to collect data on Nichols land use and land cover. For this exercise, they focused on mapping the locations of all blue emergency telephones around campus. “A map of this sort would be helpful for the Nichols College Public Safety Office as […]
Dr. Cornelius Smith Researching Lady Bird Johnson and World War II-era ‘Rosies’ of Congress
Erika Cornelius Smith, Ph.D., Nichols College assistant professor of political science and international business and political science chair, will travel in November to Austin, Texas, to conduct research at the LBJ (Lyndon Baines Johnson) Presidential Library and Museum for an upcoming article on women who ran congressional offices in the 1940s, prior to the professionalization […]
NASA Earth, Mashable Interview Prof. Mauri Pelto About Rapid Retreat of Glaciers

NASA Earth and Mashable interviewed Nichols College Professor Mauri Pelto, Ph.D., vice president for academic affairs, about his research into the rapid retreat of glaciers. New islands are being left behind by rapidly retreating Arctic glaciers — Mashable Australia (@mashableAU) September 6, 2018 “Snow Swamp” on Lowell Glacier #NASA — NASA […]