By LORRAINE U. MARTINELLE Think you can’t do anything to help out during the longest federal government shutdown in United States history? Nichols College Professor Erika Cornelius Smith, Ph.D., says otherwise. Watch our interview with her … During the longest #GovernmentShutdown in U.S. #history, @Nichols_College Political Science Professor Erika C. Smith, Ph.D., @nicholsdrsmith shares how […]
Nichols College Named a Bloomberg Experiential Learning Partner

High School Students Invited to Nichols’ June Finance Camp By LORRAINE U. MARTINELLE Nichols College is now an official Bloomberg Experiential Learning Partner (ELP), joining an exclusive group of 35 educational institutions from around the world. Bloomberg is a global information and technology company that delivers business and financial news, data, and powerful analytics; […]
Nichols Students Spread Holiday Cheer, Bison Give Back to Local Community

By HOPE RUDZINSKI DUDLEY, Mass.—Christmas for children here who are less fortunate can leave a hole in little hearts. But with the help of Nichols College community members, that void was filled—at least a little. The Nichols College Men of Distinction (MOD) helped to raise awareness across campus for YOU Inc.’s annual Adopt-A-Child program. The […]
Nichols Students Attend Psychology Conference

Six Nichols College students and their professors attended the Nov. 10 New England Psychological Association annual meeting at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. The meeting included educational sessions on a range of psychology-related topics as well as several poster sessions. Pictured, from left to right: Christina Demalia, ’20; Professor Brian McCoy; Jessica Warner, ’21; Nicole Murray, ‘21 (in […]
Webster Times: Nichols Explores How the Web Watches Us
Nichols in the News Editor’s Note: The following article appeared in the Nov. 9, 2018, edition of The Webster Times. By GUS STEEVES STONEBRIDGE CORRESPONDENT When you look into your iPhone screen, who or what is looking back at you? That was the general question behind last week’s “iPhone or iSpy” forum at Nichols College, where […]
Advising Day, Majors Fair Help Nichols Students Find a Path Toward Their Future
By HOPE RUDZINSKI Nichols College cares about their students and is always finding ways to improve their experience, social and education wise. For first-year students, starting college can be a stressful time in their lives, but Nichols makes sure students are comfortable every step of the way. Choosing a major is also an important step […]
Nichols Students Help High Schoolers, Peers Register to Vote in Mid-term Election

By LORRAINE U. MARTINELLE DUDLEY, Mass.—Nichols College political science, business, and leadership students helped approximately 120 high school and college students register to vote last week, ahead of the Oct. 17 registration deadline to vote in the Nov. 6 mid-term election. Nichols professors Erika Cornelius Smith, Ph.D. (political science chair) and Libba Moore, Ph.D., (human […]
Media Seek Nichols Counterterrorism Expert’s Perspective on Columbia Gas Explosions
DUDLEY, Mass.—Counterterrorism expert Professor Allison McDowell-Smith, Ph.D., director of Nichols College’s Counterterrorism Studies graduate program, was interviewed by media outlets for her take on the Sept. 13, 2018, Columbia Gas explosions and fires in the Merrimack Valley communities of Andover, North Andover, and Lawrence, Mass. The Master of Science in Counterterrorism Studies is the first graduate program […]
Lawrence, Andover-area Fires, Explosions: Nichols Counterterrorism Expert Shares Perspective
DUDLEY, Mass. — Sept. 13, 2018 — Regarding the fires and gas explosions in Lawrence, Andover, and North Andover, below is a statement from Massachusetts-based counterterrorism expert Professor Allison McDowell-Smith, Ph.D., director of Nichols College’s Counterterrorism Studies graduate program. Nichols College is in Dudley, Mass. She’s available tonight to speak with a reporter. STATEMENT: While […]
Enjoy Coffee ‘n’ Conversation Sept. 6 with Faculty

Nichols College’s Office of Academic Affairs will host Thursday, Sept. 6, 2018, the new academic year’s first “First Thursday” of coffee ‘n’ conversation. The Nichols community is invited to stop by the faculty lounge, third floor of the academic building, to chat with faculty. The Fischer Institute will provide refreshments and delicious baked goods.