Institute for Women’s Leadership at Nichols College Releases 3rd Massachusetts Women’s Leadership Index

Report Assesses, Monitors Representation of Women in Leadership Roles in Mass.; State Still Stands at a Failing Score   By LORRAINE U. MARTINELLE DUDLEY, Mass.—The Institute for Women’s Leadership (IWL) at Nichols College has released the third edition of its Massachusetts Women’s Leadership Index (MWLI), a biennial report that assesses and monitors the representation of […]

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 STUDENT PROFILE: Nichols College Senior Karen Velasco

Velasco is an International Success Story   By RONALD SCHACHTER DUDLEY, Mass.—Nichols College senior Karen Velasco is about to graduate from this business school focused on leadership, with a bachelor’s degree in finance and international business—as well as a near-perfect grade point average. She also has the pleasure of having to select from several job offers, […]

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 Author, Declutter Expert Mary Carlomagno Delivers Inspiring Keynote at EWIB Conference

Nationally renowned clutter control expert and author Mary Carlomagno—who was a guest on “The Oprah Winfrey Show”—delivered the keynote address at the 9th annual Empowering Women in Business Conference (EWIB) at Nichols College Thursday, April 4, in Daniels Auditorium. The Institute for Women’s Leadership (IWL) at Nichols College hosts the conference, which is designed to […]

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 Events Announced for Institute of Women’s Leadership Annual Awareness Week

By LORRAINE U. MARTINELLE DUDLEY, Mass.—This week (April 1-5) is the Nichols College Institute for Women’s Leadership‘s (IWL) annual Awareness Week, and a slate of events has been scheduled for the Nichols community to join the conversation. Equal Pay Day is Tuesday, April 2; it symbolizes how far into the year women must work to […]

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 During Women’s History Month, Nichols College Institute for Women’s Leadership Exhibit Sends Powerful Message

By LORRAINE U. MARTINELLE DUDLEY, Mass.—In honor of Women’s History Month in March, the Institute for Women’s Leadership (IWL) at Nichols College presents “Don’t Table It — Talk About It,” a powerful photographic installation featuring women and men of the Nichols community. The portraits will be on display across campus through March 31 in the academic building, […]

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 Coach Helps Nichols Students Develop Their ‘Executive Presence’ for Future Leadership Roles

By HOPE RUDZINSKI DUDLEY, Mass.—Executive presence is rated as the most important skill to be an effective leader. It’s the ability to exude a sense of gravitas—confidence, decisiveness, dignity, and poise. First impressions matter, in and out of the workplace. Therefore, it’s the difference that makes you memorable for the right or wrong reasons. And, if you want […]

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 Media Interview Nichols Professor Jean Beaupre on the Lack of Women in Leadership Roles

Nichols College Professor Jean Beaupré, faculty advisor to the Nichols Institute for Women’s Leadership, was interviewed by “Worcester News Tonight” on the lack of women in leadership roles in central Massachusetts. Watch the news clip below. Professor Beaupré was also interviewed for the Worcester Business Journal‘s Feb. 18, 2019, article “$416K vs. $220K: The Central Mass. […]

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 ‘Spark Joy’ and Get Tidy: Clutter Control Expert Mary Carlomagno to Keynote Nichols College’s Empowering Women in Business Conference

Like the Netflix Show ‘Tidying Up with Marie Kondo’? You’ll love Mary Carlomagno!   By LORRAINE U. MARTINELLE DUDLEY, Mass.—Got clutter? Well, it’s a new year; time for a fresh start. Stop watching Marie Kondo’s hit Netflix series “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo” and come learn—in person—at Nichols College from another queen of clean the […]

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 This is Nichols: Students Visit New York City

Nichols College students experienced a beautiful, warm day in New York City Thursday, Nov. 1, with faculty, staff, and alumni. Approximately 90 students from Nichols College’s economics, criminal justice, marketing, math, and sport management programs; the Emerging Leaders Program, Communications Club, and the Institute for Women’s Leadership made the trek from Dudley to New Haven […]

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 IWL Hosts Lean In Circle with Nichols President Engelkemeyer

Editor’s Note: Joyce Salles is a senior at Nichols College, majoring in marketing and minoring in hospitality. She also interns for the Nichols Office of Marketing and Communications.    By JOYCE SALLES ‘19 The Institute for Women’s Leadership (IWL) at Nichols College hosted a Lean In Circle event in September, during which nine female students–including me–shared a dinner with […]

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