(Worcester) Telegram & Gazette‘s sports columnist Jennifer Toland interviews Nichols College’s very own “Dancing King,” Men’s Basketball Head Coach Scott Faucher, whose post-victory moves last Saturday in New Jersey were featured on “ABC World News Tonight with David Muir.” Read the March 5, 2019 Telegram & Gazette article: “Jennifer Toland’s College Notes: Scott Faucher, Men’s Basketball […]
student athletes
CCC Championship Preview: Men’s Basketball vs. Gordon

By PETE DIVITO DUDLEY, Mass.—The top-seeded Nichols College men’s basketball team has advanced to the Commonwealth Coast Conference (CCC) Championship for the third-consecutive season and will entertain No. 2 Gordon College Saturday afternoon at 4:30 p.m. at the Hart Center on the campus of the College of the Holy Cross. The Bison (24-2) – who […]
Nichols Student Taylor Ward’s Crown Shines Bright on Stage and on Campus

By HOPE RUDZINSKI DUDLEY, Mass.—Working hard for what you want is nothing new to Taylor Ward, a junior at Nichols College. After all, she expertly juggles school with competing in pageants. The need to balance both helped her to quickly figure out how to efficiently manage her time, and it taught her that to succeed, one […]