By LORRAINE U. MARTINELLE News blog GlacierHub interviewed Nichols College Environmental Science Professor and Academic Vice President Mauri Pelto, Ph.D., and director of the North Cascades Glacier Climate Project, about how the federal government shutdown impacts the national parks. The story is headlined: “Roundup: Government Shutdown Impacts National Parks.” Dr. Pelto, who also works with NASA Goddard and the […]
NASA Earth, Mashable Interview Prof. Mauri Pelto About Rapid Retreat of Glaciers

NASA Earth and Mashable interviewed Nichols College Professor Mauri Pelto, Ph.D., vice president for academic affairs, about his research into the rapid retreat of glaciers. New islands are being left behind by rapidly retreating Arctic glaciers — Mashable Australia (@mashableAU) September 6, 2018 “Snow Swamp” on Lowell Glacier #NASA — NASA […]